Programme English - Bleiburger Walker

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Archiv > EuropaCup 2018 > EC Finale Bleiburg 2018 > Anmeldung/Registration
Nordic Walking European Cup/European Championship

Friday, September 28, 2018

04.00 p.m. - 07.00 p.m. Distribution of race numbers/Late registrations GRENZLANDHEIM BLEIBURG
07.00 p.m.   Official Opening Ceremony (afterwards Noodle Party) GRENZLANDHEIM BLEIBURG

Saturday, September 29, 2018

08.00 a.m. - 09.30 a.m. Late registrations

10.00 a.m.   Start European Cup/European Championship JUFA HOTEL BLEIBURG
12.00 a.m.   Flower Ceremony

Additional Programme

01.00 p.m.  Start Children/Youth-Run - Award Zeremony
02.00 p.m.  Start European Cup 5km
                Start UNESCO Geopark Walk and Rund

05.00 p.m.  Award Ceremony GRENZLANDHEIM BLEIBURG
               European Cup/Finale 10km
               European Cup/Finale 5km
               UNESCO Geopark Walk and Run

07.00 p.m.  Aftershow Party

Distribution of race numbers Friday, September 28, 2018
04.00 p.m. - 07.00 p.m.
Late registrations European Championship, European Cup, UNESCO Run and Walk, Childrensrun
08.00 am - Day of competion

Late registration Saturday, September 29, 2018
08.00 a.m. - 09.30 a.m.

European Championship (10km) European Cup (5km)

The top 3 runners of every age group of the 10km/5 km track are awarded. The classification in age groups of 5 years (about 30+). The european championship rating is valid for 3 participants per age group. If there are less than 3 participants in that age group, these will be rated in the next younger age group. It's only one time possbile to be rated in the next younger age group. If there are still not enough participants at the results list, every age group will be rated outside the European championship rating.


Age             Geburtsjahr
Juniors         2002 - 2001
18 - 29        2000 - 1989
30 - 34        1988 - 1984
35 - 39        1983 - 1979
40 - 44        1978 - 1974
45 - 49        1973 - 1969
50 - 54        1968 - 1964
55 - 59        1963 - 1959
60 - 64        1958 - 1954
65 - 69        1953 - 1949
70 - 74        1948 - 1944
75 - 79        1943 - 1939
80 +           1938 -

European Cup Points - Belarus, Slovenia, Germany, Poland, Austria
1st   100 Punkte/points          2nd    80 Punkte/points
3rd    70 Punkte/points           4th    60 Punkte/points
5th    50 Punkte/points           6th    45 Punkte/points
7th    40 Punkte/points           8th    35 Punkte/points
9th    30 Punkte/points          10th    25 Punkte/points
11th  24 Punkte/points          12th    23 Punkte/points
13th  22 Punkte/points          14th    21 Punkte/points
15th  20 Punkte/points          16th    19 Punkte/points
17th  18 Punkte/points          18th    17 Punkte/points
19th  16 Punkte/points          20th    15 Punkte/points
21st  14 Punkte/points          22nd    13 Punkte/points
23rd  12 Punkte/points          24th    11 Punkte/points
25th  10 Punkte/points          26th      9 Punkte/points
27th    8 Punkte/points         28th       7 Punkte/points
29th    6 Punkte/points         30th       5 Punkte/points
31st    4 Punkte/points         32nd      3 Punkte/points
33rd   2 Punkte/points          34th      1 Punkt/point

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